Brand Reputation Management

by: Brad Koyak from Spectre Graphics What Is Brand Reputation Management Wikipedia defines reputation management as “the influencing and controlling or concealing of an individual’s or group’s reputation.” That sounds pretty sinister to me. Controlling, manipulating, and concealing are all terms that simply mean hiding your brand’s skeletons in the proverbial closet. I propose that managing…

Riza Monaya Holding a Diploma

Laurus College Graduation January 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, and current safe-at-home guidelines Laurus College presented a Virtual Commencement Ceremony on January 23, 2021. The ceremony opened with a slideshow of students and their families. Graduating college is a momentous occasion and students wanted to share the moment with their friends, family, and those who have supported…

Writing an Effective Email

By: Melanie Bryant This article was originally published on February 18th, 2015. It has been updated with new information for 2021. Once you’ve been hired and you’re sending information to your supervisors and coworkers, good email communication skills can help you rise up the career ladder. Email History In the days before the internet, computer…