The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.

– Ferdinand Foch

All fires will eventually go out unless you keep feeding them. When it comes to keeping your professional passions alive, the same is true. Passion is a fire deep down in your soul. It demands fuel and attention, or like a campfire, it will eventually go out. You have to keep giving it the energy and resources it needs to stay lit and burning bright.

That is a lot of people walking around with nothing burning on the inside. According to Gallop, 70% of Americans are unhappy doing what they are doing in their jobs, businesses, and careers! That means 7 out of 10 people are not feeding their fire.

Just like a campfire, you need to keep looking for opportunities that spark your interest and reignite your flame. It could be as simple as taking a class on something new or learning an entirely different skill set.

Here are 5 Steps to Keep Your Fire Burning

  1. Choose the Right Fuel
  2. Add Stones to the Fire
  3. Protect Your Fire from the Elements
  4. Keep Stoking Your Fire
  5. Fire NEEDS Oxygen
Man carrying an armful of firewood

#1 Choose the Right Fuel

There are plenty of things you can throw in a fire, and many of them will burn, but not all of them will help. Plastic burns, but the results can be poisonous! Wet wood will eventually burn, but it will cause lots of smoke, and if you are not careful, the fire will go out. You need to choose the right fuel for your fire; the kind of fuel that will help it grow and burn brighter. So, what type of fuel should you use?

Choose the Right Wood to Keep Your Fire Burning

The types of wood that work best for building a fire are hardwoods like oak, maple, and hickory. These types of wood have a high heat value and will create good, long-lasting fires. They are also dense, so they burn slowly and evenly. Softwoods like pine and cedar are not recommended because they do not have the same heat value and can produce more smoke.

Similarly, you need to find the right wood to keep your internal fire burning. The hardwood that will always help your fire stay lit is passion. Passion is the spark that ignites your creativity and motivation. It is the fuel that drives you to keep going even when things get hard.

Focus on how you serve the people YOU were put here to help. Those people who ignite your passion. They are the ones that make your fire burn brighter and hotter!

Use Kindling

It’s important to choose the right kindling for your fire. Kindling is small, dry pieces of wood that are used to start a fire. This can be anything such as twigs, shavings, or even paper. Kindling should be dry because wet wood will produce more smoke than heat. Newspaper is an excellent choice for kindling because it is easy to light and provides a good base for the fire to start. It also does not produce any smoke when burning.

You can find kindling to help keep your internal fire burning. Things like knowledge, connection, camaraderie, and curiosity are all great fuels for keeping your passion alive. They can provide new perspectives and opportunities to explore as well as a reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place.

Fire Starters

Fire starters are handy tools that can be used to help get your campfire going. This can be anything from a match to tinder cubes or even an accelerant such as lighter fluid. Fire starters make it easier for you to get the fire lit quickly and easily. It also saves time so that you don’t have to spend as much effort building the fire from scratch.

To help you get your internal fire burning, look for opportunities that challenge and excite you. This can mean anything from attending a conference on an industry topic you are passionate about to talking with someone who is doing something in the field you want to get into. Fire starters can help you take that first step toward finding the right kind of fuel to keep your fire burning.

A campfire surrounded by stones

#2 Add Stones to the Fire

Adding stones around a fire both protects and preserves the flames. The heat of the fire causes small air pockets inside the stones which, in turn, radiate heat and keep the surrounding area warm. It also helps insulate the flames from the elements like wind and rain.

The best kind of stones to ring in a campfire are those that absorb and retain heat, such as soapstone or igneous rocks like basalt and granite. Basalt is a particularly good choice as it can withstand temperatures up to 900°C (1,652°F). Soapstone absorbs heat slowly and evenly while retaining the heat for a long time, making it ideal for grilling and baking. Additionally, the stones should be flat and large enough to not fall into the fire itself. Finally, make sure they have been thoroughly cleaned before using them in your campfire to avoid any unwanted debris or sparks. Never use river rocks or porous stones because they can explode when exposed to intense heat.

Build Your Internal Fire with Mentors

The stones you need to keep your fire safe and burning well are the mentors you choose for your life. These are the people that are there to protect you from you! Mentors will be there to challenge you, provide guidance, and give you the advice you need to stay on the right path. Mentors care more about your FUTURE than your FEELINGS. Choose them wisely because they are the rocks that keep your fire stoked and insulated from anyone or anything trying to put it out.

A campfire near snowy mountains

#3 Protect Your Fire from the Elements

When building a campfire, it is important to protect your fire from elements like rain and wind. You can do this by creating a shelter or “fire pit” around the flames, which will help keep your fire contained and safe. This can be done by digging out a shallow hole in the ground that is large enough to fit all your materials.

In the same way, you need to protect your internal fire from outside elements such as fear, doubt, and negativity. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself. Fill your life with things that make you happy, surround yourself with positive people, and feed your spirit through activities like reading or music. Take a break when needed and don’t be afraid to ask for help when things seem overwhelming. When you take care of yourself, you can keep the fire inside of you burning brighter and hotter!

Rain, wind, and cold can all damage your fire. These elements will ALWAYS be around, so you must be prepared for them. Elements that might dampen your fire can even include Friends, Family, and Co-Workers. Some of them will be carrying the Rain, Wind, and Cold. These things will show up in their attitude and words: Complaining, Whining, Blaming, Gossiping, and Drama.

Do not let them Rain on your Fire!

Person adding a log to a fire in the snow

#4 Keep Stoking Your Fire

Stoking a campfire is an essential part of the fire-building process and ensures that your flames remain burning strong. Without proper stoking, your fire will eventually die out. To keep your campfire going, you need to constantly add fuel and stir up the embers. This ensures that oxygen reaches all parts of the wood, allowing it to burn evenly and consistently.

Here are some tips on how best to stoke a campfire:

  1. Keep the fire small, yet big enough to contain all your fuel.
  2. Make sure there is enough space between the logs to allow for sufficient oxygen flow and heat circulation.
  3. Place smaller pieces of wood on top of larger ones so that they burn quickly and thoroughly.
  4. Regularly add more kindling or tinder to help keep your flames burning longer and hotter.
  5. Leaning logs against each other in a criss-cross pattern can help keep them upright while creating an efficient airflow through which oxygen can reach deeper into the pile and create a larger flame.
  6. Use long-handled tools like shovels, rakes, and tongs to stir up embers at various points around the perimeter without getting too close to any sparks or flames

Stoking Your Internal Fire

Having a Fire that burns at a high level demands attention. You must keep arranging the wood and coals to get the most out of it. This will take practice to develop the skill. The same applies to your internal fire – you need to keep it stoked! This means feeding your mind with positive thoughts, taking action toward your goals, and doing things that bring you joy. It also means connecting with like-minded people who believe in you and can help you stay motivated.

There are 2 types of stoking you can use: Extrinsic or Intrinsic.

  • Extrinsic Stoking relies on outward motivation – short term.
  • Intrinsic Stoking is an inward motivation – long term.

The difference between the two is that one benefits the person stoking the fire (Extrinsic), and the other benefits EVERYONE (Intrinsic)! Building your internal fire with both Extrinsic and Intrinsic stoking will help you live a more fulfilled life and reach the best versions of yourself!

Stoking your internal fire is not always easy. It requires discipline and consistency. It means making small changes in your daily habits, such as carving out time for yourself to focus on self-care, developing positive strategies like affirmations or mantras to keep you motivated and on track, and setting realistic goals that will help you reach where you want to be.

Marshmallows on sticks in a campfire

#5 Fire NEEDS oxygen

It is critical for a fire to be able to breathe. Make sure the air you are blowing into your fire has value. Your self-talk is essential to a healthy fire. Speak to the future you want, not the one you have. Your words are powerful and can create success or failure.

Be careful what you are putting into your mind. What you read, listen to, and watch will come out of your mouth to eventually create your life. Feed your mind information with value.

The key to keeping your fire burning bright is to continuously add more fuel. Always be on the lookout for new ways to add value, knowledge, and experience to your own life. This will keep your internal fire blazing!

It is YOUR Responsibility to set yourself on Fire every day.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!