Before applying to Laurus College I was doing Graphic designing but wanted to expand on my creativity. I looked into a career in Web Design and Development and felt that it was a perfect fit for me. The Web professors at Laurus College have contributed so much to my life and career. To which I am forever grateful.
Each lesson was very informative and helped set a clear direction for me to follow. When I used to have doubts if I made the right career choice. My web professors motivated me to push harder and reminded me why I loved the craft of creating. I cherished their high expectations of me, and I did my best to meet them in each class. The books they recommended to me, the extra help with lessons, the honest critics, and the career advice were all greatly cherished. I was able to learn how to make websites, create apps, and become more knowledgeable about the web.

Even the assistance from Laurus Faculty was appreciated. It is because of those times that I have become more responsible, professional, committed, and successful in my career. Thank you Laurus College for my college experience. You changed the way I thought about life and learning. I know I can do anything with enough dedication and hard work.